Company Faprosid can produce a wide selection of square hot tops, from smaller dimensions, from 1.500 kg up to 7.000 kg with max measures of the side of 700 mm destined to the rolling, up to bigger dimensions. Usually a square hot top can be used for ingots up to 25.000 kg with a side of 1.500 mm, these types are merely destined to forging.
The squares of big dimensions are more and more getting a foothold and they often replace the traditional polygonals because they have the advantage of a better performance. The transit to the forge then is simplified because the starting is a square and there’s no a significant difference from the point of view of the internal health.
The squares for rolling can have also the shape known as “A”, but only where there’s an appropriate ratio of reduction. These improve the results, simplify the rolling and the stripping.
Another important thing is the possibility to cast plates of 6/8 ingots which allow a better quality of the results thanks to different factors.